Were You Exposed To Bed Bugs While Staying At A New York Hotel?

People, at one point or another, will travel for different reasons. Some people travel for work. Some people travel to visit family. Some people travel to go on vacation. In most cases, the person will stay at a hotel during their trip. The last thing that you would expect is that you will be in a hotel is to be placed in a room that is infested with bed bugs. The bed bugs may bite you during your stay or, even worse, they could get into your luggage and you unknowingly bring them home with you. If you have been the victim of being exposed to bed bugs while staying at a hotel, contact one of the New York Bed Bug Attorneys at the Law Office of Dimitrios Kourouklis, Ph.D. We can assist with your case with the hotel in question.
Bed bugs are a growing problem in all throughout the United States. Unfortunately, even when people go on vacation, this harmful issue can affect them. If you encountered bed bugs at a hotel, you are not at the mercy of the hotel. A reliable and trustworthy bed bug lawyer can help.
Common Causes of Bed Bugs in Hotels
Bed bugs can appear anywhere—from a five star hotel to a motel you stay at during a road trip. That is the unfortunate truth: bed bugs can be anywhere, so it is important resort staff and maintenance workers stay vigilant with bed bug inspections and proactive pest control measures.

Patrons and guests of hotels should feel safe, and without regular upkeep to provide clean and sanitary rooms at the hotel, bed bugs at a hotel can take over quickly. When this happens, it means the hotel has been negligent and should be held responsible for victims’ pain and suffering.
If you have been affected by bed bugs while staying at a hotel, you may be entitled to recover compensation related to your injuries, out of pocket expenses, and pain and suffering caused by the resort’s negligence.
Important Steps To Take Following a Bed Bug Attack at a Hotel
If you have been bit by bed bugs at a hotel our New York Bed Bug Attorneys can help you to obtain compensation for any injuries you suffered. Following a bed bug attack it is most important to obtain evidence that the bed bugs were actually in the hotel room. If possible the following steps should be taken following a bed bug attack at a hotel:
Capture and save the actual bed bug or bed bugs (If possible keep the bed bugs separate because they can eat each other)
Take photographs of the actual bed bug(s) in your hotel room
Take photographs of any fecal droppings (black spots in specific areas), blood stains on sheets (they may not be red), or bedbug skin that has been shed
Notify the hotel management immediately and have your incident documented. Demand a copy of the report and do not sign anything that the Hotel may attempt to give you. The hotel may attempt to immediately get you to sign a release, which would waive your right to seek any compensation.
Take photographs of your hotel room.
Seek immediate medical attention at a hospital or doctor.
Demand to have hotel management change your hotel room immediately.
Take photographs on a daily basis of ALL the bed bug bites that you incurred until they are gone.
Ask for the name of the person that last cleaned your room and the manager on duty.
Ask for the name of the person the hotel sends to inspect your hotel room.
Save any receipts that show that you actually stayed at the hotel.
Do not bring any clothes, suitcases or anything else that was with you at the hotel into your home or car until it has been properly treated for bed bugs. Bed bugs spread easily and you don’t want to have an infestation in your home.
Types of Compensation Available for Cases of Bed Bugs in Hotel
If you experienced bed bugs while staying a hotel, there are a number of things you can be compensated for. Beyond pain related to the bites themselves and the medical bills associated with treatment, compensation may also include property damage for items that needed to be replaced due to infestation, as well as property discarded to avoid bringing the bed bugs home. If you unknowingly brought bed bugs to your home, you may be entitled to compensation for out of pocket expenses for have to retain an exterminator to treat your home for bed bugs.
Other compensation that has been recovered from other cases related to bed bugs at a hotel include:
Lost wages due to missed work from side effects of bed bug bites
The cost of ruined or cut-short vacations and trips
Compensation for permanent scarring/disfigurement from bites
Emotional distress and constant fear of bed bugs after being bitten
Pain and suffering
Health and medical expenses
Property damages
Punitive damages
Temporary lodging
Loss of future earning capacity
Loss of wages due to missed work from side effects of bed bug bites
You deserve to be compensated properly for your injuries, inconvenience, and distress. If a hotel is resistant to providing reasonable compensation, the New York bed bug attorneys at the Law Office of Dimitrios Kourouklis, Ph.D. can be of great assistance.
We will not hesitate to file suit if it is in your best interest of the victim, and you will have a greater chance of obtaining compensation when you have an experienced bed bug lawyer by your side.
Why Work With The Law Office of Dimitrios Kourouklis, Ph.D.?
At the Law Office of Dimitrios Kourouklis, Ph.D., our team of New York Bed Bug Attorneys have been helping victims and people who have been affected by bed bugs, and we are dedicated to fighting for the compensation you deserve. Bed bugs are a serious issue, and our experience and commitment make us the trusted source for legal help relating to bed bugs in hotels.
Contact the a New York Bed Bug Attorney at the Law Office of Dimitrios Kourouklis, Ph.D. to discuss your case. The New York Bed Bug Attorneys at the Law Office of Dimitrios Kourouklis, Ph.D offer free initial consultations to discuss your rights. You can contact us at 929-400-7608 or via email to learn more about your rights so that we can obtain the best outcome for you.
Law Office of Dimitrios Kourouklis, Ph.D.
19 West 21st Street, Suite 402
New York, New York 10010